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A new dataset in site selection: Scout Reviews

Written by Ryan Abramson | Aug 10, 2023 10:15:14 PM

For economic developers on the quest to attract and retain business, the toolkit has become standardized. From data analysis on workforce, wages, and real estate. To tax incentives and cost of doing business calculators. On most levels, the data is the data. Unchangeable and reactive. However, many economic developers hang their hat on things they can actually control. Such as, the local product they work hard to develop.

It’s elements like workforce development programs, streamlined permitting and licensing procedures, entrepreneurship support, and most uniquely - acting as an extension of the local businesses. These pieces of economic development can not be expressed through raw data alone. Thankfully, with the introduction of Scout and Scout Reviews, the full story can be told.

Scout Reviews collect up to 20 data points from site selection categories such as:

  • Ease of doing business
  • Labor and Workforce
  • Infrastructure and Utilities
  • Local Support and Economic Development
  • Quality of Life and Cost of Living
  • Taxes and Incentives

Now, when a site selection consultant or expanding business comes looking for data, you can provide them with the data they need, but you’ll also have a new dataset at your fingertips: Real-time review data from local businesses.

When validated and verified local businesses write reviews, their feedback that can be used by economic developers and businesses alike. It’s one thing to say, “18% of our population are STEM graduates so you’ll definitely be able to hire quickly.”

It’s another thing to say, “Other businesses in your industry have reported that the availability of talent in our city is an 8.5 out of 10. This is based on recent and validated reviews so we feel confident you’ll be able to hire quickly.”

Reviews are an always-on data collection mechanism for cities. Providing a real time lens into the business climate of every jurisdiction. Reviews aren’t here to replace localized data, they are here to supplement and compliment it. Reviews also give cities and economic developers a chance to own this new dataset and use it as a unique differentiator. We detail how economic developers can use the voice of business to power retention, expansion, and recruitment

Scout Reports

Once a year, we aggregate all the data from our reviewers and write reports about the best cities for business in each state. There is not cost to be included, you just need 10 reviews on your Scout profile. These reports can be used by companies and Site Selectors alike to see how businesses feel about the economic climate in each city!

Learn about claiming your city's profile to start telling the story of your community. 

Below you’ll find an example of the questions we ask in our review form.