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Exploring Small Business Grants in Idaho



Starting and running a small business can be both rewarding and challenging. In Idaho, small business owners have access to a range of grants designed to support their growth and innovation. This article explores the types of grants available, how to identify and apply for them, and provides additional insights to help small business owners navigate the grant application process.

Types of Grants Offered in Idaho

Idaho offers a variety of grants tailored to support small businesses across different industries and stages of growth. These grants can range from those aimed at startups to those intended for established businesses looking to expand or innovate. Key types include:

  1. State-Specific Grants: These are funded by state agencies to promote economic development within Idaho. Examples include the Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM) Grant, which supports collaborative research initiatives between universities and businesses.
  2. Federal Grants: Though administered at the national level, these grants are available to Idaho businesses and can provide substantial funding. The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs are notable examples.
  3. Industry-Specific Grants: These target businesses within certain sectors, such as agriculture, technology, and manufacturing. For instance, the Idaho Department of Agriculture offers grants to support agricultural innovation and sustainability.
  4. Community Development Grants: These focus on businesses that contribute to community development and revitalization. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is a primary source of funding for such initiatives.

Identifying and Applying for Grants in Idaho

Finding the right grant requires thorough research and a strategic approach. Start by exploring the websites of state and federal agencies, as well as industry associations that might offer funding opportunities. Tools like the Idaho Commerce website and the federal grants portal,, can be invaluable.

When applying for a grant, follow these steps:

  1. Research and Match: Ensure that your business aligns with the grant’s objectives and eligibility criteria. Understanding the specific goals of the grant can help tailor your application to highlight the most relevant aspects of your business.
  2. Prepare Documentation: Gather all necessary documents, such as business plans, financial statements, and project proposals. Clear and comprehensive documentation can strengthen your application.
  3. Follow Instructions: Adhere strictly to the application guidelines. Missing a step or failing to provide required information can result in disqualification.
  4. Submit Early: Grant applications can be competitive. Submitting your application early can demonstrate your enthusiasm and ensure that technical issues do not cause delays.

Table of  Small Business Grants in Idaho

Program/Grant Name Description Target Audience Application Period Granting Authority
IGEM Grant Supports collaborative research between businesses and universities Innovative small businesses and startups Varies by project Idaho Commerce
SBIR/STTR Provides funding for research and development in small businesses Small businesses in technology sectors Multiple cycles annually U.S. Small Business Administration
Idaho Agriculture Grant Promotes agricultural innovation and sustainability Agricultural businesses Annually Idaho Department of Agriculture
CDBG Funds community development and revitalization projects Businesses contributing to community growth Varies by project Idaho Commerce

Local Grants in Specific Idaho Cities

Several cities in Idaho offer localized grant programs aimed at fostering economic development within their communities. These grants are often tailored to meet the unique needs of the city's business landscape and can provide targeted support for small businesses.


The City of Boise offers grants through programs such as the Boise Small Business Grant Program, which provides funding to help businesses recover from economic disruptions. Additionally, the Boise Urban Renewal Agency supports projects that contribute to the city's redevelopment efforts.

Idaho Falls

The Idaho Falls Redevelopment Agency provides grants to businesses that aim to revitalize and enhance the city's downtown and surrounding areas. These grants focus on improving infrastructure, promoting sustainability, and fostering economic growth.


Pocatello's Economic Development Program offers grants to businesses that contribute to job creation and economic development in the region. The city also provides assistance through the Pocatello Development Authority, which supports redevelopment and infrastructure improvement projects.

Twin Falls

Twin Falls provides grants through its Urban Renewal Agency, which focuses on revitalizing the city's core areas and supporting new business development. The city also offers assistance to businesses looking to expand or relocate to Twin Falls.

Additional Insights

Navigating the world of grants can be overwhelming, but understanding the key aspects can greatly enhance your chances of success. Networking with other business owners and joining industry associations can provide valuable insights and tips on available grants and the application process. Furthermore, attending workshops and seminars offered by local economic development agencies can keep you informed about new opportunities and best practices in grant writing.

Final Thoughts

Securing a grant can provide the financial boost your small business needs to innovate, grow, and thrive. By understanding the types of grants available, effectively identifying suitable opportunities, and following a meticulous application process, you can significantly enhance your chances of obtaining funding.

FAQs on Small Business Grants in Idaho

Q: What types of businesses are eligible for grants in Idaho?
A: Various businesses, including startups, technology firms, agricultural enterprises, and those contributing to community development, can find suitable grants.

Q: Where can I find information on available grants?
A: State and federal agency websites, industry associations, and portals like are excellent resources for finding grants.

Q: How competitive are small business grants?
A: Grant competitions can be intense, with many applicants vying for limited funds. A well-prepared and compelling application can improve your chances of success.

How Scout Can Help Companies Apply for and Win Grants/Incentives

Scout provides expert guidance to businesses seeking grants, helping them identify suitable opportunities, prepare compelling applications, and comply with grant requirements. With a deep understanding of the grant landscape in Idaho, Scout can streamline the application process and increase the chances of success. Reach out to learn more and maximize your funding opportunities.

Remember: subsidies aren't just handed out, they are thoughtful programs developed to achieve a certain type of economic development. So before selecting the right subsidy for your company, make sure you know how your business matches the desired outcome the granting authority is looking to achieve. 

For help getting grants and subsidies, click the red button below.

For more detailed information on small business grants in Idaho, visit Idaho Commerce,, and the U.S. Small Business Administration.