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Site Selection RFP Template

Are you in the process of selecting a new site for your company? Looking to streamline your decision-making with an organized approach? Ensure you make the most informed choice with our detailed Site Selection RFP Template. This resource is designed to guide you through the critical factors in choosing the perfect location. Our template, crafted in Excel, is your roadmap to a successful site selection process.


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Why Choose Our Site Selection RFP Template?

In order to discover the best locations for your site selection project, you need to detail your requirements in the right manner. 

Our RFP Template provides a comprehensive framework to guide your decision-making process

Mitigate Risks: Catering to a diverse range of industries from food production to manufacturing and beyond, our template guarantees that your transition is smooth and every detail is accounted for, leaving no stone unturned in your journey to the perfect site.

Enhance Response Quality and Quantity: A meticulously crafted RFP template ensures you receive more comprehensive and informative responses from cities and economic development organizations. This streamlined approach simplifies data analysis, empowering you to make well-informed decisions.

Your Favorite Format: The project checklist comes in Google Sheets, XLS, or Excel format so you can edit and save in any way you choose. 


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Site Selection RFP FAQs

What is a Site Selection RFP and how does it aid in the site selection process?

A Site Selection RFP (Request for Proposal) is a document used by businesses to solicit proposals from potential locations for their facilities. It outlines the specific requirements and criteria for the new site, ensuring that all proposals are consistent and comparable. This process aids in making an informed decision by comparing various locations based on standardized criteria.

What key factors should be included in a Site Selection RFP?

Key factors in a Site Selection RFP typically include location demographics, transportation and logistics, local labor market analysis, cost considerations (such as taxes and incentives), infrastructure, environmental assessments, and community impact. Tailoring these factors to the specific needs of your business is crucial for finding an optimal location.

How does a Site Selection RFP differ from a regular business RFP?

A Site Selection RFP is specialized for choosing a physical location and focuses on geographic, economic, and infrastructural factors, whereas a regular business RFP might be broader, focusing on a range of business services or products. The site selection RFP requires a deeper understanding of local markets, real estate, and community impact.

Can small businesses benefit from using a Site Selection RFP?

Yes, small businesses can greatly benefit from using a Site Selection RFP. It helps them approach site selection methodically, ensuring they consider all relevant factors and receive proposals that are directly aligned with their needs, regardless of their size.

What is the typical process after sending out a Site Selection RFP?

After sending out a Site Selection RFP, businesses typically receive proposals from various locations. The next steps involve reviewing these proposals, conducting site visits, negotiating terms, and performing due diligence before making a final decision. This process ensures a comprehensive evaluation of all potential sites based on the criteria set out in the RFP.

What is a Site Selection RFI?

RFI (Request for Information) and RFP are often used interchangeably in the Site Selection industry. 

When I'm ready to distribute my RFP, what should I do?

When you're ready to distribute your RFP, you can find contact information for EDOs and cities on Scout or you can send it out for bid on your own. It might be beneficial to work with a Site Selector or company like Scout to increase the distribution of your project and improve the likelihood of success and incentives. 

Does Scout offer Site Selection Services?

Yes. Our specialty at Scout is helping businesses with all types of expansion and relocation projects. That includes generating and distributing RFPs. Feel free to reach out to for more information.